Crafty Envelope Punch Board Calculator

Crafty Envelope
Punch Board Calculator
Your card dimensions by
Paper size inches square
Score line inches
Created for I'm Just Lovin' It by Cartwheel Software

Crafty Envelope Punch Board Calculator ©2014 Cartwheel Software and Quality Consultancy Ltd.


  1. This Crafty Envelope Punch Board Calculator is fantastic! I have used it several times now to make the perfect sized envelope for each card. Thank you so much for providing such a fantastic tool on your website. I will be recommending it to all my crafty friends! How did we manage before this! A big thank you!

    1. Do you have to make the size a little bigger to allow for the card?

  2. This is very nifty! I've used it just now to get measurements for a few of my odd sized cards. Thank you!

  3. I've just used this for the first time and you were right, it is easy-peasy! Thank you Carole and David. M xx

  4. This is a fab calculator - not had a mistake yet when using it and recommend to everyone! Thank you so much for sharing Carole & David x

  5. I just have to say this is a brilliant calculator and thanks for sharing as I use it all the time. :-)

  6. I've been wanting to do create just this for some time. I did not realize someone had already created such a tool. Thank you!

  7. Thank you so much for that wonderful and helpful tool. It works perfect.

  8. What a wonderfully useful tool. Thank you!

  9. All I can say is this is an excellent calculator Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Thank you for this! I have recently bought one but haven't attempted to use it yet so this will make it much easier for me!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Tank you so very much

    Merci beaucoup


  12. You have just got a new fan I love love love this great concept

  13. Thanks so very much for sharing the calculator.

  14. I will never know how you did this calculator, but I am sure glad you did it. Thank you for this extremely helpful tool.

  15. Thanks David and Carole for your generosity in sharing this with us. Lol Sue L

  16. Thank you so much. This is just amazing. I'm sharing your link with all my Card Club members.

  17. This is great! Do you know if there is one for the gift box punchboard? I would especially like to know how to calculate paper size for rectangular boxes.

  18. Hello Tena, I'm sorry I can't help you with the gift box punchboard. My husband has only written the program for the envelope one! C x

  19. this is great. as for the gift box punch board question above, i havent seen a calculator for it but i have seen calculators for the envelope punchboard to make a box. sadly in cm. even with converting its too much to figure ;}. i have a ton of slightly messed up box lids im trying to make boxes for, so im needing 16ths for some of my boxes. thank you for the calculator on what i could use

  20. Thanks so much for this calculator! Just what I needed for my odd sized cards!
    Jaelynn Haws

  21. Whoa! I just fell in love! Bookmarked this, made a shortcut on my desktop, and saved the page, too! If this works for any size card like it looks like it will, YOU HAVE JUST OPENED UP MY WHOLE CARD-MAKING WORLD! Thank you!

  22. thank you for this! I recently needed an off-sized envelope so emailed the company for Help. the answer was.... We don't have those measurements. so, I figured it out and sent them the info:) Now, I do not need to call them! thank heavens!

  23. merci le calculateur me rend service. merci beaucoup pour ce partage . il
    me facilite le quotidien

  24. This is just the most useful tool. Thank you so much for sharing!

  25. Thank you for sharing you most useful
    calculator :)

  26. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your calculator. It is an awesome tool.

  27. Thank you for sharing this Calculator amazing tool. put a link on my blog.
    so i can find it every time i needed it.
    greetings Wendy.

  28. Thank you so much for this. I am very grateful to you for sharing and will make it so much easier when making my large envelopes that are an unusual size.

  29. This is a fantastic tool! Thank you for this! Is there any way to download the program to put on my desktop?

  30. Dear Anonymous,

    We are pleased you think our tool is fantastic. Perhaps you should bookmark it! C x

  31. In the US, there's an app available called Envelope Generator that does the same thing. I have an Android, so I don't know if it's available for iPhone or if it's available outside of the US, but I use it all the time!

  32. Thank you so much for this invaluable tool as I love to make my own cards and envelopes to fit which can take time but this calculator makes it a dream Brilliant!

  33. This is fabulous! I just added it to my favorites.

  34. Thank you so much ... perfect tool and a must have ...

  35. Hi Carole

    This is fantastic .. .. just what I need.

    I have added a link to my blog post today as I am sure lots of blog pals will find it useful.

    Thank you so much for sharing. Greatly appreciated.

    Have a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  36. I have found you through Jules'link. A fab calculator, and what an amazing idea! Loving it already! Thank you so much for sharing. I have had a scroll through your lovely blog, and would love to be a follower.
    Lynn x

  37. Hi Carole
    I've just found your blog through Jules
    Thank you so much your calculator is fantastic!!!
    Thanks again Sue

  38. Wow I love this. It has made cardmaking less frustrating.
    Thank you
    Marcia D

  39. Just love this. many thanks for sharing. I have saved it to my desktop as well.

  40. Found you in a very roundabout way. Thankyou for the fab calculator. Now following you too. Hugs Mrs A.

  41. Super,

    votre logiciel nous évite des calculs fastidieux:Merci !

  42. This calculator is amazing. Your are an angel for sharing this with everyone

  43. Merci beaucoup pour cette application GENIALE !!
    Surtout et aussi en centimètres


  44. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I use this all the time. Amazing. One of the best things posted on the internet for crafters.

  45. Great tool!! I'm glad I found the link again.

  46. My best find on the web this year, I use it for all my "odd" sized cards. You should make this into an app for the phone, I'd love that.

  47. Wow - a friend put me onto this - never knew it existed - what an AWESOME magical thing - thank you so much for sharing this - I will never make 4 envelopes before I get one to fit again!!! lol!! thank you

  48. Thank you so much for this, only just found it on Pintrest, Earlier this evening made 4 envelopes before finally getting the right size. This is fabulous thank you again for sharing.

  49. Omigosh! This is awesome! Thank you so much! I bookmarked this for future use!

  50. This is wonderful. I invested in an envelope punch board and love it. I needed to make envelopes for ATCs and the measurements on the board made the card just a but bigger than I wanted. I used your calculator and they were perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  51. I very rarely make a standard size card, so then I have to spend forever working out paper size for the envelope. Your calculator has, and forever will be, a godsend, love it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  52. Thank you!! Loved the box calculator and I'm thrilled to have the envelope calculator. Great tools! I have a BUNCH of Christmas cards I need to make envelopes for. This is perfect!

  53. Dear Carole,
    Thank you for posting this calculator. I wasted much time and paper trying to figure out the measurements to make en envelope that would fit my dimensional card. Then I found this wonderful calculator. This is a lifesaver!!!

  54. Thanks so much for the calculator. I am Always struggling with pepersizes for my punchboard.

    Greetings from the Netherland from Janneke de Vries

  55. Thank you so much for sharing your calculator.
    You are so generous.
    Greetings from The Netherlands,

  56. Thank you I'm enjoying making cards and this is awesome help!

  57. Thank you so much! I found this link on Pinterest to make an envelope for my 6.5" square card. It worked perfectly!

  58. Waouh! Mille mercis pour ce petit calculateur ! C'est magique!
    Très belle fin de semaine

  59. Just found this. Excellent! Thank you so much. Far better than other online calculators I've looked at. Simplified and accurate. Particularly appreciate the metric/imperial conversion.
    Thanks again!
